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Current MCC Student Scholarships
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Available Scholarships
Applied Technology Scholarships
Business & Human Services Scholarships
Construction Education Scholarships
Culinary Arts and Horticulture Scholarships
Health and Public Services Scholarships
Humanities, Arts, and Design Scholarships
Industrial Education Scholarships
Information Technology Scholarships
Math and Natural Sciences Scholarships
Social Sciences Scholarships
MCCF General Scholarships
MCCF Specialized Scholarships
Current MCC Student Scholarships
Current MCC Student Scholarships
Available Scholarships
Applied Technology Scholarships
Applied Technology Teaching Scholarship
Auto Collision Advisory Board Scholarship
Black Hills Energy Scholarship
Cornhusker International Rick Childers Diesel Technology Scholarship
gloria Menard Osborn Scholarship
Johnny Baxter Carriage House Foundation Tool Scholarship
Jonathan “Jon-Jon” Sherman Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Lee Koenig Scholarship
Jordan Lee Whitney Memorial Scholarship
Nebraska Logistics Council Scholarship
Business & Human Services Scholarships
Business Administration Division Scholarship
Business Alliance for Students Education Scholarship
Eric Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Gene A. and Margaret Cook Scholarship
Jeff Gossin Memorial Scholarship
John Vautravers Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan “Jon-Jon” Sherman Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan E. Zimmern MBA Memorial Scholarship
Lori J. Froistad Scholarship
Robert B. Gronstal Scholarship
Todd McHenry Memorial Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
Construction Education Scholarships
American Society of Plumbing Engineers Omaha Scholarship
Black Hills Energy Scholarship
Bobby Byars Scholarship
Broom Dodd Scholarship
Carl P. Rigatuso Memorial Apprenticeship Scholarship
Construction and Trades Scholarship
Frank Kompare Scholarship
Herb and Carole Dewey Scholarship
Joseph W. Hughes Memorial Engineering Scholarship
M.L. "Buck" Bohn Memorial Scholarship
Metropolitan Utilities District Scholarship
Building Futures Scholarship
NAWIC Omaha Scholarship
Nebraska REALTORS Association Scholarship
Nebraska Realty Scholarship for Trades and Vocation
Omaha Area Board of Realtors Foundation Scholarship
The Builder Foundation Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
Culinary Arts and Horticulture Scholarships
Audren and Evelyn Swanson Memorial Scholarship
Brandon Thomas Rising Star Scholarship
David B. and Bernie Epstein Memorial Scholarship
Dawn Wesslund Memorial Scholarship
Ellen Freeman Memorial Scholarship
Gary Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Harold Norman Culinary Arts and Hospitality Scholarship
ICA Alumni Industry Professional Start-Up Scholarship
Jack Kawa Culinary Arts and Hospitality Scholarship
Matthew T. Chambers Horticulture Scholarship
Metropolitan Utilities District Scholarship
Taylor Tylkowski Memorial Culinary and Hospitality Scholarship
The Patricia "Big Mama" Barron Culinary Scholarship
Richard Fox Memorial Scholarship
Ron Sailors Culinary Arts Memorial Scholarship
The Walter Hecht Scholarship
vinNEBRASKA Dave Deao Memorial Scholarship
Health and Public Services Scholarships
Adult Education Pathway Scholarship
Betty Hightower Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Broom Dodd Scholarship
Criminal Justice Faculty Scholarship
Deputy Chief Monroe Coleman Scholarship
Donovan and Anita Donner Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Barbara Braden Healthcare Scholarship
gloria Menard Osborn Scholarship
Hobza/Coltrane Scholarship
Janet Byars Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Jonathan “Jon-Jon” Sherman Memorial Scholarship
Jordan Lee Whitney Memorial Scholarship
Lyle and Rosalyn Hansen Scholarship
Michele Missel Scholarship
Respiratory Care - Respiratory Therapy Scholarship
Ruth/Clarice Oberndorfer Scholarship
Shar Hansen Memorial Scholarship
The Lucky Nurse Scholarship
Ward Nursing Scholarship
Humanities, Arts, and Design Scholarships
Andrew Willie Bogue Scholarship
Ellie Archer Fashion Design Scholarship
Helen M. Thomas Scholarship
Leeder Photography Scholarship
Michele Missel Scholarship
My Boes Visual Arts Scholarship
The Annette & Paul Smith Visual Arts Scholarship
Walt Allen Memorial Scholarship
Industrial Education Scholarships
Jim Geiger Welding Technology Memorial Scholarship
Johnny Baxter Carriage House Foundation Tool Scholarship
M.L. "Buck" Bohn Memorial Scholarship
Robert Bruckner Welding Scholarship
Metropolitan Utilities District Scholarship
Midwest Early Corvette Club Scholarship
Rex Stacy Welding Technology Scholarship
Tim Charlton Industrial Maintenance Technology Annual Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
Walter Scott, Jr. Welding Scholarship
Information Technology Scholarships
AIM / Fremont Tribune Scholarship
Cox Communications Pioneer Scholarship
gloria Menard Osborn Scholarship
Information Technology Scholarship
Karen Schnepf Memorial Scholarship
Math and Natural Sciences Scholarships
Donald R. Knapp Memorial Scholarship
Jane Keller Memorial Scholarship
MCC Math Department Scholarship
Social Sciences Scholarships
Arthur A. Durand Scholarship
Benzel Sullivan Scholarship
Beth Nimmo Social Science Scholarship
Douglas McLeod Weber Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Ann Trinkle Memorial Scholarship
Gallup Organization Early Childhood Scholarship
Janell Shain Memorial Scholarship
Ruth/Clarice Oberndorfer Scholarship
MCCF General Scholarships
Amber Suttle Tjaden Memorial Scholarship
Candy Lynn Kegley Memorial Scholarship
Carolyn Owen Anderson and Terry Lassek Scholarship
Dave and Tina Dunham Scholarship
David Newell Memorial Scholarship
Dick and Mary Holland Scholarship
Dr. Jerry Moskus Scholarship
Dr. Mary Wise Endowed Scholarship
Edward and Lida Robinson Scholarship
Fran Elseman Memorial Scholarship
Gladys Elizabeth Mahon Scholarship
Guinan Family Second Chance Scholarship
James M. Cox Foundation Scholarship
Johnny Rodgers Career and Technical Education Scholarship
Keith Potts Fund
Magic City Scholarship
Mary Ellen (Hauck) Seth Scholarship
MCC Emerging Leaders Scholarship
MCCF General Scholarship
MCCF Matching Funds
MCCF Memorial Scholarship
Meredith A. Fuller Scholarship
Michaela Connolly Memorial Scholarship
Miltenberger Family Memorial Scholarship
Omaha World-Herald Scholarship
Peter Kiewit Foundation Vocational Scholarship
PFLAG Omaha Scholarship
R.E. Whitmyre Memorial Scholarship
Ray and Betty Barr Memorial Scholarship
Russell Sister Scholarship
The Eula Lee Mitchell Richmond Scholarship
The Hawks Foundation Scholarship
Timothy L. Dempsey Memorial Scholarship
Sara McClure and Dave Steadman Scholarship
Tyler & Chave’ Payne Scholarship
William H. Dodd Memorial Scholarship
MCCF Specialized Scholarships
Alice and Russ DeVoe Memorial Scholarship
Blake McKune Memorial Scholarship
Catalan Scholarship
Culjat Scholarship
Dave and Tina Dunham Scholarship
David M. Rice and Ephraim L. Marks Second Chance LGBT Scholarship
Douglas County Corrections Advancement Scholarship
Dual Credit or Academy Student Scholarship
Fr. George R. Sullivan, SJ Scholarship
Frank A. Skip Blazek
Fremont Area Schools Scholarship
Gifford Park Neighborhood Scholarship
Hites Community College Foundation Scholarship
Jo Bartikoski and Don Westling Scholarship
Larry O' Connor Memorial Scholarship
Lucille I. Mix Memorial Scholarship
MCC Foundation Tools Scholarship Fund
MCC Military Textbook Scholarship
MCC Student Textbook Scholarship
Mildred D. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Patricia and Lance Plummer Scholarship
Powering the Future Scholarship
Scott Hoyt Memorial Scholarship
South Omaha Business Association Scholarship
The Let’s Go Scholarship
Travelers Scholarship Program
Trinity Lutheran Church Prison Ministry Scholarship
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 279 Scholarship
Apply for Scholarships