As a Metropolitan Community College employee, you make a difference every single day. Your investment bridges gaps and removes barriers for students who want to succeed. The faculty and staff giving campaign is held annually November 1 – December 24. During this campaign, we invite you to join us. A strong foundation of giving from within the College sends the important message that we, as a team, are committed to our students and our community.
Your support creates opportunities for MCC scholarships, program growth funds, and capital improvements. Every gift, no matter the size is greatly appreciated.
How Can I Make a Gift?
Together we make a difference and every dollar counts. Please consider giving the gift of education.
Your Gift. Their Future. Our Promise.
Since 2016-17, more than $2.58 million in scholarships and associated support has been distributed, thanks to the generous supporters of the MCC Foundation.
In 2019-2020, MCC Foundation distributed approximately $10.6 million back to the college, in the form of scholarships, program, department, grants support, or improving academic facilities.
Cathy Curtis, Culinary Arts Instructor