Click on a title to open a full record. In addition to the title and the author's name the full record includes:
- Imprint: The place of publication, the publisher's name and the year of publication.
- Physical description: The total number of pages (if describing a book) or the running time (if describing a DVD/streaming video).
- Library of Congress Subject headings (LCSH): Search terms based on the subject of the item. Use the LCSH to help you find similar items.
The full record also includes information about the book's location:
- Location: The name of the library the item is located at and the collection it is shelved in.
- Call number: The number you need to find the book/DVD on the shelf.
- Status: Whether or not the book/DVD is available in the library (CHECKED IN) or checked out (in which case the computer will display the due date).
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Limit by Format
By default the catalog searches for all material types. To limit your search to online resources (eBooks and streaming videos), select MCC - e-resources from the drop-down location menu:
You can also add the terms streaming video, DVD or ebook"to your search. Examples: religion and DVD, or powerpoint and ebook.
Limit by Location
By default the catalog searches all MCC locations. Use the drop-down location menu to limit your search to a specific campus or to include Omaha Public Library in your search.
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Limit by Title, Author, or Subject
By default the catalog performs a keyword search, meaning it retrieves all records containing your search term(s) anywhere within the record (title, contents note, LCSH, etc.). Sometimes this results in a large number of records that aren't related to what you're really looking for.
To improve your results you can also perform other types of searches: Title, Author or Subject.
Title search
A title search retrieves an alphabetical list of titles that begin with your search term(s).
Author search
Perform an author search if you are looking for items written or produced by a particular person or organization.
An author search retrieves an alphabetical list of author's names that begin with your search term(s). You must type the author's last name followed by the first name. Example: "Cather Willa" NOT "Willa Cather."
Subject search
A subject search retrieves an alphabetical list of Library of Congress Subject headings (LCSH) that begin with your search term(s).
It is important that you use the correct LCSH. For example, if you are searching for information about the death penalty, the correct LCSH is "capital punishment." Please ask library staff for help identifying the correct LCSH for your topic.
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Other Options
Use the More searches menu in the upper right to access other options including the Advanced search screen.
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