A - B | C - F | G - L | M - O | P - Z
A - B
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

A multi-disciplinary database of more than 4,600 magazines and journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
- Academic Video Online

A multidisciplinary collection of many thousands of videos spanning a wide range of subject areas. The content includes documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news programs and newsreels, and demonstrations.
- Access World News

International, national, regional, and local newspapers including more than 50 from Nebraska.

Automotive service and collision repair. On-campus access only.
- Alt HealthWatch (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from more than 140 publications (journals, consumer newsletters, pamphlets, reports, etc.) dealing with complementary and alternative medicine.
- Artstor

Digital library of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, present and manage images.
- Biography Reference Bank (EBSCOhost)

Contains more than 111,000 biographies and obituaries and more than 32,000 photographs of the subjects.
- Biography Reference Source

Comprehensive collection of 450,000+ biographical profiles.
- Britannica Academic

More than 118,000 encyclopedia articles, 14,000 illustrations and links to related and reviewed web sites.
- Business Source Elite(EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from more than 1,100 business journals (including nearly 450 peer-reviewed publications) covering a wide range of business topics: work-related issues, management, advertising, marketing, accounting, finance, banking, economics and more. Includes company profiles and a business thesaurus.
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C - F
- The Chronicle of Higher Education

News, information and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from more than 1,000 nursing and allied health journals, plus indexing from more than 3,000 more.
- Consumer Health Complete

Access full text books, articles, reports and videos on health and wellness.
- Digital Theatre Plus

High quality theatrical productions, interviews, analyses of play texts and other resources for educators, students and theatre professionals.
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

eBooks covering a wide range of topics and subject areas. [ Downloading EBSCOhost eBooks ]
- EBSCOhost

A collection of databases providing full text articles in a variety of subject areas. Each database is also listed separately.
- E-Journals (EBSCOhost)

Thousands of online journals containing articles from hundreds of different publishers, all at one web site.
- ERIC (EBSCOhost)

Articles from more than 2,000 educational and education-related magazines, journals and reports.
Additional versions of ERIC are available:
- Exploring Race in Society (EBSCOhost)

A collection of resources on race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness in U.S. society.
- Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

Comprehensive career research database.
- First Research

Industry statistics, trends and analysis.
- FirstSearch

Collection of indexing and full text databases.
- Flipster

Access high quality digital versions of popular magazines on your desktop computer, mobile phone, or tablet. Use the free Flipster app to download magazines onto your mobile devices and read them offline, anytime, anywhere.
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G - L
- Gale eBooks

A collection of encyclopedias covering the arts, bioethics, biography, business, crime and justice, education, environment, history, law, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, the nation and the world, philosophy, religion, science and sociology.
- Global Road Warrior
- County profiles covering business, culture, demographics, travel information, the economy, food, religion, maps, images, and more.
- Google Scholar

A search engine that allows you to find scholarly resources on the web.
- GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Indexes and abstracts scholarly, government and general-interest magazines and journals covering all aspects of the human impact on the environment.
- Health Source: Nursing Academic Edition (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from nearly 600 scholarly journals, plus abstracts from nearly 850 additional journals.
- LearningExpress Library

Interactive practice tests and tutorial courses for academic, college entrance, civil service, professional licensing and certification exams.
- Legal Information Source (EBSCOhost)

More than 225 full-text consumer legal reference books and thousands of legal forms.
- Literature Resource Center

Biographies, bibliographies and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline.
- LitFinder

Find poems, short stories, essays, plays and speeches plus author biographies and pictures.
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M - O
- MAS Complete (EBSCOhost)

Full text from hundreds of popular magazines suitable for high school students.
- MasterFILE Complete (EBSCOhost)

Multidisciplinary database providing full text from magazines, newspapers, journals, reference books and primary source documents.
- Media Bias Chart

An interactive chart allowing you to look at media sources mapped across two dimensions - reliability and bias.

Citations and abstracts with limited full text from biomedical and health journals. Also available via the National Library of Medicine's PubMed.
- Middle Search Plus (EBSCOhost)

Full text from popular middle school magazines.
- MLA Handbook Plus

Contains digital copies of the MLA Handbook (9th ed.), MLA Guide to Digital Literacy (2nd ed.), MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature and an MLA style video course.
- Mometrix eLibrary

Collection of test preparation guides.
- MyHeritage Library Edition

Trace your family history through global genealogy resources.
- New Play Exchange

The National New Play Network’s database of plays and musicals shared by writers from more than 40 countries.
- Nexis Uni

Provides full-text access to business, news, and legal publications.
- NoveList K-8 Plus

Find just the right fiction or nonfiction book for children from kindergarten through grade 8.
- NoveList Plus

Find recommendations, reviews and series information for fiction and nonfiction books.
- Omaha Star (NewsBank)

Articles from Omaha's only African-American newspaper. Covers 1938 to the present with digital images from 1938-2011.
- Omaha World-Herald (NewsBank)

Full text newspaper articles covering Nebraska and western Iowa dating back to 1983. Includes digital images from 2018 to present.
- OmniFile Full Text Select (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from roughly 1,000 magazines and journals covering current events, art, applied science and technology, biology, agriculture, education, general science, humanities, law, social sciences and business.
- OpenDissertations (EBSCOhost)

Records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world/
- Opposing Viewpoints

Pro/con coverage of controversial contemporary issues. Includes full text magazine and newspaper articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents and links to relevant websites.
- Oxford English Dictionary

"The Oxford English Dictionary is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history and pronunciation of 600,000 words - past and present - from across the English-speaking world."
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P - Z
- OpenDissertations

Find critical essays of current events with an overview and two sides of the issue.
- Primary Search (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from 60 popular magazines for elementary school research.
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles covering topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
- Reference Solutions

Research more than 14 million U.S. businesses and 95,000 high-tech companies.
- Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
- Science & Technology Collection (EBSCOhost)

Full text journals covering the scientific and technical community including aeronautics, astrophysics, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, and materials science.
- SIRS Issues Researcher

Thousands of full text magazine and newspaper articles exploring current events and social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, political and global issues.
- Small Business Source (EBSCOhost)

A comprehensive resource for small business owners containing full-text articles and reports, sample business plans, tax forms, videos and reference books.
- Statista

Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from more than 18,000 sources on over 60,000 topics.
- Vocational & Career Collection (EBSCOhost)

Full text coverage for 400 trade and industry-related periodicals.
- Wall Street Journal

Full text articles from the Eastern edition of the Wall Street Journal dating back to 1984.
- Women and Social Movements in the United States

Primary source documents and other publications related to the history of women in social movements in the United States from 1600-2000.
- World Religions

A comprehensive guide to the world's major religions and spiritual traditions. Contains essays, biographies, videos and images.
- WorldCat (FirstSearch)

A library catalog describing books, DVDs and other materials available in libraries worldwide.
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