Current and prospective Metropolitan Community College students can apply for all available scholarships through one application in AwardSpring. Some scholarships require an essay to be eligible for consideration of a particular scholarship.
Scholarship essays can be added to the application any time before a scholarship application deadline. Students who do not submit an essay will still be considered for scholarships that do not require an essay.
Scholarship essay topics vary based on the scholarship. The AwardSpring dashboard will have a list of scholarships requiring follow-up work that may include writing an essay. Most scholarships do not require an essay.
Tips for Writing an Essay
Take time to think about the questions being asked.
Double check each question to make sure you’re addressing all the parts.
Jot down notes in response to the questions.
Consider using a traditional essay outline and edit as word limit allows:
Proofread and read aloud
Contact MCC’s Writing Center for help!
Current students have access to workshops and individualized help at metro campuses and online. Visit the MCC Writing Center website for more information and to make an appointment.
New students may contact Katie Hupp at the MCC Writing Center for guidance and resources, or 531-622-4529
Writing Thank-You Notes
Students are required to write a thank-you letter in the scholarship acceptance form that accompanies a scholarship offer. Scholarships are funded through the generous donations of staff, faculty and community members. Donors give money to the MCC Foundation to make a difference in a student's life. Showing the donors how much their generosity means to you can make the difference in whether they give to the MCC Foundation.
As you compose a thank-you letter, consider including these elements:
Finally, the most impactful thank-you notes describe how a scholarship benefits you.
Please contact the Scholarships Office with any questions about your scholarship at