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MCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness

10th Day Census Data

The census data is a breakdown of demographics of students enrolled at the college at the 10th day of the quarter. Each student is counted once.

10th Day Student Enrollment Summary

The 10th Day Student Enrollment Summary provides student headcount and student demographic data for each quarter. The report also provides quarter credit hour data by student classifications.

Campus Demographics by Quarter

10th Day census headcount by primary campus, seat count and credit hours by campus.

Research Review Procedures/IRB

   Procedures Memorandum


Annual Data

MCC Fact Sheet Reports

MCC IPEDS Data Feedback Reports for 2008 through 2024.

Student Outcomes - Retention, Graduation, Transfer

​CCSSE Report

Hope Survey

PACE Survey - MCC PACE Survey results, which surveys employees and measures campus climate.

NSLVE Report

Economic Impact Study

Nebraska Department of Labor Graduate Data

External Quick Links

Institutional Research Staff

Tracy McTavish-Mlady
Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness - Research
FOC, Building 14S

Brigid Howard
Director of Applied Research and Evaluation - Research
FOC, Building 14S
Hayley Aniol
Director of Institutional Research - Research
FOC, Building 14S

Doug Cady
Institutional Effectiveness Research Analyst - Research
FOC, Building 14S

Curtis Bryant
Institutional Effectiveness Programmer Analyst - Research
FOC, Building 14S

Joy Baade
Institutional Effectiveness Associate - Research
FOC, Building 14S